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Walsall Veterans League (Tuesday)

The rules of the league are also printed for your information, they are also available on the BowlsNet website -

Previous years results are shown below the rules.Just click on the slide to expand it, or use the guides right and left to navigate.


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Rules & Bylaws 2017



  1. The league shall be known as the WALSALL VETERANS BOWLS LEAGUE


  3. The MANAGEMENT of the league shall be vested in the above OFFICERS, and one representative of each Division within the league

  4. Any Club or Player lodging a protest against another club or player, should write to the league Secretary within seven days following the incident

  5. On receipt of a protest or appeal, the Secretary shall within 7 days of receiving such notice convene a meeting of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, whose decision will be final

  6. Any club desirous of joining the League, shall apply in writing to the league SECRETARY at least 28 days prior to the AGM

  7. Any club not sending in NOTICE of RESIGNATION in writing to the League Secretary, 14 DAYS prior to the AGM shall be deemed a member for the ensuing year, and all FEES shall be due to the league.

  8. The AGM shall take place in FEBRUARY each year

  9. Each club shall be furnished with a copy of the rules & byelaws, and be bound thereby

  10. Players must be aged 50 YEARS & OVER

  11. Unless new teams are admitted or other teams resign, normal promotion & relegation, will be 2 up and 2 down

  12. The annual fees for EACH TEAM are at present £30, and shall be reviewed as appropriate at an AGM. This sum is to be paid to the league secretary before the start of the season. (This fee includes entrance to the Cup Competitions)

  13. CUP COMPETITIONS - Div 1&2 will play for one trophy, with Div 3&4 playing for the new trophy set up in 2001


League Rules

  1. Clubs will play each other on a home and away basis. Matches shall commence at 1.30pm on Tuesday, unless the start is delayed by inclement weather conditions, or special arrangements have been made by the two clubs. The greens must be kept occupied once the game has commenced, until the match is complete (Except the mid match short break).

  2. Matches must be played on the date fixed by the league. No split matches will be allowed, any team turning up with players short will forfeit the ends.

  3. Cancellation of matches must be made to the opposing CLUB SECRETARY, LEAGUE SECRETARY, and MATCH SECRETARY, at LEAST 7 DAYS prior to the original date. Matches are to be arranged within 14 days. If they cannot be mutually rearranged it will be decided by the league management.

  4. If a team fails to turn up for a match, a 2 point reduction will be incurred by the offending team and a fine of £10 will be made against them & will be given to their opponents to cover expenses. The Match will be awarded to the offending team’s opponents 126 points to 72.

  5. Teams shall consist of 6 players, and all games shall be 21 up. Any club presenting less than the full compliment of players, will forfeit 21 points for each absentee.

  6. The making of the draw, shall be in the hands of the two captains, who will act as referees. The order of play shall be the prerogative of the home captain.

  7. The visiting player shall set the mark, and bowl the first wood in the 1st end of the game. Standard jacks approved by the B.C.G.B.A. shall be used.

  8. All games shall be played in accordance with B.C.G.B.A. rules.

  9. The home captain shall be responsible for submitting the match score card. Which should bear both captains signatures. The HOME Captain or Secretary should then forward the card (CORRECTLY FILLED IN WITH NAMES & SCORES) to the match secretary within 5 days of the match being played. Any team not forwarding the card within 10 days will be fined £2.(PLUS A FURTHER FINE OF £2 FOR INCORRECT CARDS)

  10. A list of PLAYERS is to be registered with the league and match secretaries at least 7 days prior to the 1st match of the season, and all must be registered with the S.C.B.A, and B.C.G.B.A. regtn. Any club playing unregistered players, shall forfeit that players score and award the opponent 21 points. The result of the match shall be decided after all such alterations.(New player registrations can be made through the season, but must be sent to the league 7 Days before their first game)

  11. No player shall be registered with more than 1 club, within the league, and no player shall play for more than one team, within the league.

  12. No practice is allowed by the visiting team before a match.

  13. No practice by any player, after the match has started. (No players will be allowed to practice during the TEA INTERVAL, offenders will forfeit their game 21-0 )

  14. Two points shall be awarded to the winning team. In the event of a drawn match, both teams will receive 1 point.The league championship will be awarded to the team with the greatest number of points at the end of the season. In the event of a tie. The team with the highest aggregate will be the winner.

  15. League average prizes. Players in all games will be awarded 2 points for a win, home or away. Should 2 or more players have identical points, and aggregates, then the player who has played the most games will be the winner.

  16. Each team must send in the name of the player, with the best averages for their season.

Cup Competitions

  1. All Rounds up to the Final will be played on a 3 Home, 3 Away basis, and the result to be decided by aggregate score.

  2. In the event of a tie, the team with the best away winner will be deemed the winner of the match.

  3. Matches must be played on the due date or before, if mutually agreed by both teams. If the match cannot be played before or on the date due, notification must be made to the Secretary / Treasurer & The Match Secretary, at least 7 days prior to the date of the match giving their reasons for the intended cancellation. If this is accepted, a date must be fixed between both teams to play the match. If this cannot be played within 7 days of the due date then a date will be fixed by the management committee,whose decision will be final.

  4. The Captain of the winning team will be responsible for notifying the match Secretary of the result of the match.

  5. The Final is to be played on a neutral green. In the event of a tie, then team with most winners. If equal, then team with best winner, will determine winning team.

  6. No player is allowed to play for more than one club, and in the case of any club having more than one team, any player having played for one team in the club, will not be allowed to play for the other team.

  7. In the event of a team not turning up for a cup match, the opposing team will be awarded the match 126 to 0, and the offending team shall be fined £5 to cover the expenses of their opponents.

  8. All players competing in the SEMI & FINALS, MUST have competed in 4 of the league matches to that date. Anyone breaking this rule will forfeit their score 0-21.

  9. Finals to be 21up. All played on a neutral green on the day.

  10. All HOME players are allowed a roll up before the match starts.


© Walsall Veterans Bowls League, 2017

2018 listings

WV Match 1
WV Match 2
WV Match 3
WV Match 4
WV Match 5
WV Match 6
WV Match 7
WV Match 8
WV Match 9
WV Match 10
WV Match 11
WV Match 12
WV Match 13
WV Match 14

2017 listings

2017 listings

WV Title
WV Cup rd 1
WV Match 1
WV Match 2
WV Match 3
WV Match 5
WV Match 6
WV Match 6
WV Match 7
WV Match 8
WV Match 9
WV Match 10
WV Match 11
WV Match 12
WV Match 13
WV Match 14
WV Match 15
WV Match 16
WV Match 17
WV Match 18
WV ranking
WV ranking & Cup

Player Rankings taken from Walsall Veterans site

2016 listings

Player Rankings including Cup Match

Match 0
Match 1
Match 10
Match 11
Match 12
Match 13
Match 14
Match 15
Match 16
Match 17
Match 18
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Match 5
Match 6
Match 7
Match 8
Match 9

2015 Results

2014 Results

© 2013 by George R Jevons. created with

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