Leamore Bowlers
Leamore and Blakenall Senior Citizens Club (incorporating Leamore and Blakenall Sons of Rest)
Home of Leamore Bowlers, Leamore Park, Blakenall, Walsall,

Chair Tony
Secretary Wendy
Treasurer Phyllis
Sports Secretary Malcolm
Members Dave

The results of every one who plays in any of our leagues are assembled together here to find who is the most successful player for the year.
Doubles partners are each given the score of their doubles match.
The way the leagues are ranked is by the number of wins first, and then the highest difference if two or more members have equal wins.
The league method does not show a true rank for those that do not play in all leagues. So for your interest and assessment on your rank I've added a % Win column which shows the probability of a win when that member plays. This shows how likely a member will win each time they play. If we were to rank using this column than those who do not play in the some leagues therefore play less games, and therefore have less wins would move to a higher place.
The average difference column shows the points that difference each player will have each time they play.
Combined Singles and Doubles Results for 2018

Combined Singles and Doubles Results for 2017

Combined Singles and Doubles Results for 2016

Combined Singles and Doubles Results for 2015